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Re: Patch to init sizetype for jc1

    --- decl.c	2000/02/29 23:33:50	1.50
    +++ decl.c	2000/03/04 05:21:03
    @@ -459,7 +459,8 @@ init_decl_processing ()
       TREE_TYPE (error_mark_node) = error_mark_node;
       /* Create sizetype first - needed for other types. */
    -  sizetype = make_unsigned_type (POINTER_SIZE);
    +  initialize_sizetypes ();
    +  set_sizetype (make_unsigned_type (POINTER_SIZE));
       size_zero_node = build_int_2 (0, 0);
       TREE_TYPE (size_zero_node) = sizetype;
       size_one_node = build_int_2 (1, 0);

This is completely correct.  I thought I'd done it, sorry.  As you point out,
not having a testsuite check for Java is going to cause this sort of problem.

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