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Monthly search.html update (boring, committed)

Boring monthly work I still haven't automated.  Also fixed a comment that
has become untruthful.

Index: search.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/search.html,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -p -c -r1.14 search.html
*** search.html	2000/02/17 01:59:13	1.14
--- search.html	2000/03/05 22:46:01
*************** Mailing lists.  Ticking a box is like ma
*** 127,136 ****
  <tr align=left>
  <!-- FIXME: Best would be to have a newmonthsgohere machinery here, but
       this page is checked into CVS, which adds a level of complexity that
!      is not currently handled well.
!       Note also that the lists from 1997-1998 are not here, except for
!      ...-announce.  -->
  <td><select name=restrict multiple size=6>
  <option value="gcc/2000-02">Feb 2000
  <option value="gcc/2000-01">Jan 2000
  <option value="gcc/1999-12">Dec 1999
--- 127,135 ----
  <tr align=left>
  <!-- FIXME: Best would be to have a newmonthsgohere machinery here, but
       this page is checked into CVS, which adds a level of complexity that
!      is not currently handled well.  -->
  <td><select name=restrict multiple size=6>
+ <option value="gcc/2000-03">Mar 2000
  <option value="gcc/2000-02">Feb 2000
  <option value="gcc/2000-01">Jan 2000
  <option value="gcc/1999-12">Dec 1999
*************** Mailing lists.  Ticking a box is like ma
*** 163,168 ****
--- 162,168 ----
  <option value="gcc/1997-09">Sep 1997
  <td><select name=restrict multiple size=6>
+ <option value="gcc-bugs/2000-03">Mar 2000
  <option value="gcc-bugs/2000-02">Feb 2000
  <option value="gcc-bugs/2000-01">Jan 2000
  <option value="gcc-bugs/1999-12">Dec 1999
*************** Mailing lists.  Ticking a box is like ma
*** 195,200 ****
--- 195,201 ----
  <option value="gcc-bugs/1997-09">Sep 1997
  <td><select name=restrict multiple size=6>
+ <option value="gcc-patches/2000-03">Mar 2000
  <option value="gcc-patches/2000-02">Feb 2000
  <option value="gcc-patches/2000-01">Jan 2000
  <option value="gcc-patches/1999-12">Dec 1999
*************** Mailing lists.  Ticking a box is like ma
*** 219,224 ****
--- 220,226 ----
  <option value="gcc-patches/1998-05">May 1998
  <td><select name=restrict multiple size=6>
+ <option value="gcc-help/2000-03">Mar 2000
  <option value="gcc-help/2000-02">Feb 2000
  <option value="gcc-help/2000-01">Jan 2000
  <option value="gcc-help/1999-12">Dec 1999
*************** Mailing lists.  Ticking a box is like ma
*** 228,233 ****
--- 230,236 ----
  <option value="gcc-help/1999-q3">Jul-Sep 1999
  <td><select name=restrict multiple size=6>
+ <option value="gcc-cvs/2000-03">Mar 2000
  <option value="gcc-cvs/2000-02">Feb 2000
  <option value="gcc-cvs/2000-01">Jan 2000
  <option value="gcc-cvs/1999-12">Dec 1999
*************** Mailing lists.  Ticking a box is like ma
*** 252,257 ****
--- 255,261 ----
  <option value="gcc-cvs/1998-05">May 1998
  <td><select name=restrict multiple size=6>
+ <option value="gcc-testresults/2000-03">Mar 2000
  <option value="gcc-testresults/2000-02">Feb 2000
  <option value="gcc-testresults/2000-01">Jan 2000
  <option value="gcc-testresults/1999-12">Dec 1999

brgds, H-P

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