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Re: ARM: Invalid Stack Alignment BUG said:
> There is one purpose for doing the alignment to STACK_BOUNDARY in the
> backends anyway. There may be ways to use remaing few bytes as well as
> current scheme of aligning in reload is kind of wasting stack space
> (the stack boundary is repetativly aligned, not only in the last
> iteration). We was discussing this with Richard and I believe we
> concluded that proper way to handle this is to modify backends, but we
> wanted to do this later, so we did the "fix" to reload. 

Just because the current implementation is not particularly efficient in 
terms of stack usage doesn't mean that the rounding should be done in the 
backend.  Virtually every port has some definition for STACK_BOUNDARY, so 
it is a gross inefficiency if every port then has to also add code to 
correctly align the stack pointer.  Besides which, if backends are making 
adjustments to the amount of stack space pushed, how are they to know that 
they haven't altered a vital offset?  IMO this must be handled in a 
machine independent manner, based on the information already supplied.


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