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Re: [RFC] Patch: RAM-based heuristics for ggc-min-heapsize and ggc-min-expand

Richard Earnshaw <> writes:

> 2) Allows us to override them
> 3) Allows a scheme where any user can override them from the command line

They *are* already overridable from the command line.  I think it's a
good idea to print the values with -v, but I don't see any harm in
doing it from cc1.

> For the last point consider someone running gcc on a heavily loaded 
> multi-user machine -- in that case there may be Gigs of ram but only a few 
> hundred meg available to the individual.  It's not interesting to tune the 
> performance of gcc to the amount of physical RAM, but to the amount that 
> is likely to be available.  At the same time we don't want gcc to try to 
> guess this since that can lead to hisenbugs.

We should take rlimits into account in the heuristics.


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